CCV has been busy supporting ministries across the Presbytery

In the earliest days of the pandemic the Commission on Church Vitality made the decision to generously and freely support the ministries and missions of the Presbytery of Tampa Bay as the world stopped and turned in a different direction through pre-approved grants.

Since early April these Covid Relief Grants have supported 40 different congregations and ministries of the Presbytery. Congregations have supported their pastors and other staff; they have not fallen behind on their expenses; expanded their food pantries; increased their support of outreach to homeless folks; upgraded their technology to better enable virtual community; purchased supplies for sanitizing the church; supported a tutoring program geared toward refugee children; and shown the love of God across Tampa Bay. 

The CCV has been honored to walk alongside ministries and congregations from every corner of the Presbytery and to that end has extended this season of Covid relief grants till the end of September and increased the amount each ministry is eligible to receive up to $30,000 in monthly increments of up to $5,000 — and must be reapplied for monthly.

Pastors/moderators and clerks of sessions: please direct any questions to Libby or CCV Chair Andy Walton. The grant application form can be found by clicking here.