At its meeting today the Commission on Ministry (COM) approved new minimum terms of call for 2019.
An increase of a little over 2.5% was approved, and the new minimum salary for 2019 will be $45,050.
Additionally, the COM recommends an increase of 2.5% to all existing calls in 2019.
Finally, Validated Ministers and Members-at-Large should be aware that the COM requests that they fill out the annual questionnaire via Form 6a (Validated) or 6b (Member-at-Large).
General Assembly Items (repeated from last week due to Saturday due date for GA Committee applications)
First, the Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (the Book of Order) are now available online:
Proposed Amendments to the Constitution of the PC(USA)
Note the proposed changes to the way church nominating committees work. We’ll vote on these at a future Presbytery meeting.
Second, if you’re interested in serving on a General Assembly committee, commission or task force (click for a complete list of available groups with descriptions), time is running out to apply:
Apply for a GA Committee
The deadline to apply is September 15th. Please be aware that the applications typically take some time to complete.
Lastly, while it’s not technically GA related, this also seems like a good place to share a bulletin insert from the Synod regarding their use of Per Capita from our congregations:
Synod Bulletin Insert for Congregations