You are a leader, an educator, a parent, a church member. You are Presbyterian.
Our latest resources for Presbyterians are meant to enhance your ministry calling, whatever it may be. In Our Connectional Church, Gradye Parsons reflects on the hopeful future of the PC(USA). Confessing Our Faith shows leaders how they can utilize the Book of Confessions in their daily work, and is a great companion to the Book of Confessions, Study Edition, Revised.
Perfect for leaders, educators, and new or seasoned members, Presbyterian Beliefs, Revised Edition is the latest by beloved author Don McKim and is made for group or individual study. We also now have Korean and Spanish translations of another favorite book by Don McKim: Presbyterian Questions, Presbyterian Answers, Revised Edition.
Don’t Forget the Little Ones!
The classic book for helping new parents and new members with small children as they look forward to the baptism of their child has been revitalized and updated to reflect the sacrament of baptism found in the new Book of Common Worship. It is also available in a pack of five. And don’t miss out on the new story Bible, Growing in God’s Love, edited by renowned Presbyterian educators and authors Elizabeth F. Caldwell and Carol A. Wehrheim.
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