Meaningfully Connected

You’ve probably heard it said you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. If that’s true, then getting to know your fellow servants in Christ is truly valuable!
The best solutions to the challenges faced by members of our church communities can be found by getting to know one another and learning from one another. We want to grow by getting to know each other better. Just as there are many great people in your church, there are that many more great folks in the Presbytery. We need to invest time, energy, intelligence, imagination and love in our relationships with one another, so that we may appreciate and use the resources God has given us in the different giftedness of one another.
One of the ways in which we’ve structured ourselves to better take advantage of each other’s knowledge and skill is by meeting regionally twice a ear. Each of our three regions gathers for a presbytery-like meeting in between our two Stated Meetings for the purpose of doing mission and ministry together in a more local fashion. We’re a big presbytery, and the idea is that each region has unique gifts, passions, and ministries it would pursue. In the process, local pastors and churches should get to know each other in a deeper, more satisfying way.
If you want to get to know some of the members of our Presbytery, you may want to check out the video series, Better Know a Presbyter.