For the latest version of the Pulpit Supply List with contact information for those who might be available to preach: Please contact our office at (813) 868-4800 or visit the Contact Us page to send us an email requesting a copy.
The IRS raised the mileage rate to 70 cents/mile effective for 2025.
NOTE: The most recent version of the list says Updated March 10th, 2025; if you have a copy older than that, be sure to reach out to us.
Regrettably, we needed to remove the Pulpit Supply List from public view because of increasing attempts to use the names and contact information of trusted ministers across the presbytery to scam others.
- Please be especially attentive to any email that doesn’t look right to you or sound like the person it says it’s from, and please use the contact information you already have and not by clicking on “reply” to reach out to the purported sender reaching out to you with an unusual request for help in an email that just doesn’t seem right.
- If it just doesn’t seem right or gives you a reason to worry about the sender, call them at a number you already have for them even if the email says not to call, or email them by opening a new email and using the email address you already have for them — no matter what the worrisome email says about that.
- The key is not to click on any links in an odd email or just hit “reply.” Too many of these scams have return addresses that look right, but even that can be misleading (the visible “from” address may even be correct, but the hidden “reply-to” address may be different.
- For more about this persistent scam, check out this Federal Trade Commission link from 2019: Worshipers targeted by gift card scam
Thank you for your understanding.