Unapologetically Christ-Centered

It’s our desire to keep the main thing the main thing. Sometimes during a reorganization, important things get lost in the shuffle. The one value we absolutely don’t want to misplace is our focus on and devotion to Christ as a Presbytery.
We want to grow personally and corporately, but there is no growth apart from the grower: Paul planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth (1 Cor. 3:6). Everything that we’re doing is in the hopes that in the end, Christ’s Church will be strengthened.
The new structure has us meeting as a Presbytery far fewer times throughout the year. Are we still worshiping together, growing together, doing mission together? Are we being intentional about the mission of Christ in each region of the Presbytery? Yes, and the focus in on honoring and serving Christ.
We currently have five New Worshiping Communities, and plans for more, while we’ve also examined each region for the possibility of additional new church plants. We also hope that joint mission projects will begin to happen organically as we come to know one another better and feel the call of God’s Spirit to work together.