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There are four main categories of information on the Presbytery website; see descriptions below to find what you’re looking for!
1. Directories of pastors and churches. If you’re looking for contact information for someone in the Presbytery, this is a good place to start. If you’re a member of the Presbytery, note that some information will only be available after you log in.
2. News and community knowledge. Our forums are a great place to see available positions, upcoming events, popular resources and to share what you’re thinking!
3. General information and useful resources for pastors, churches, clerks of session, candidates/inquirers, presbytery meetings, and committee members. These are forms and information related to those specific roles; if you’re looking for something specific, it’s probably on one of these pages.
4. Your specific information. Pastors, churches, clerks of session and committee members can log in to see information specific to their own situations, eg, completed F1s, session minute review forms, etc.